The BEV Ensures Correct Filling Quantities at Christmas Markets 17.12.2024 - The smell of punch, mulled wine and Christmas cookies fills the air again in before Christmas. But how much punch actually ends up in the mug? The Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying - BEV is once again checking the filling marks on punch and mulled wine glasses at Austria's Christmas markets this year. 

The filling line on punch and mulled wine glasses is not just an ornament: it guarantees that you get exactly the amount of drink you have paid for. Transparency is a must, especially with the often high prices for punch and mulled wine. However, the capacity serving measures do not always comply with the regulations. Filling marks are often missing or incorrectly placed.

photo: © BEV

What information must be displayed on a capacity serving measure?

The CE mark, a marking with “M” and the year the marking was affixed (both framed by a rectangle), as well as a four-digit number (0103 in the picture), which clearly identifies the notified body that carried out the conformity procedure, must be affixed to the capacity serving measure. Manufacturer information must also be affixed.

With a trained eye and state-of-the-art measuring methods, the BEV checks whether

  • the fill line is correct.
  • the quantity dispensed corresponds to the specified quantity.
  • the requirements of the Schankgefäßeverordnung are complied with.
photo: © BEV

If violations occur, measures such as official storage of the glasses or reporting to the authorities may follow.

Focus on fairness and consumer protection

The aim of the controls is clear: consumers should receive what they expect and suppliers on the markets should adhere to the same rules. 

A small talk topic for the punch round

The next time you are at a Christmas market with friends over a punch, you can score points with your knowledge: The little line on the glass has great significance - and the BEV ensures that it delivers what it promises.