Address Search -


Information about the official addresses of the cities and municipalities you get free of charge on

Besides of different functions such as address proposals when entering address parts, zooming, shifting and ETRS coordinates, it is also possible to display details for the selected address and the respective municipality.


Straßenname Neusiedlung
Hausnummer 121
Ortsname Langschlag
Gemeindename Langschlag
Gemeindekennziffer (GKZ) 32516
PLZ-Gebiet 3921

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Legal Basis

General Terms and Conditions

The terms of delivery and payment as well as the copyright notice are set out in the current Terms and Licensing Conditions of the BEV on

Standard Charges and Licensing Conditions

The prices and licensing conditions for the products and services of the BEV are regulated in the Standard Charges and Licensing Conditions of the BEV. The current version was published in the Amtsblatt für das Vermessungswesen (Official Journal for Surveying) and can be found on


The legal basis for the INSPIRE - Spatial Data Services was regulated on national level by the "Geodateninfrastrukturgesetz (GeoDIG), BGBl. I Nr.14/2010 i.g.F. ". The measures demanded in the GeoDIG were implemented accordingly by means of the INSPIREServices of the BEV.

For most BEV services you have to register free of charge on