Austrian Map mobile
table of contents

All of Austria on your smartphone or tablet!
The Austrian Map mobile (AMap mobile) comprises the digital maps of Austria including hill shading, the database of Geographic Names of the Digital Landscape Model and the Digital Terrain Model. This digital BEV product offers a user-friendly user interface with extensive functionality in addition to the high quality of the national Austrian maps.
The AMap mobile is available for the platforms iOS and Android.

Cartographic models
In both editions the Austrian Map mobile includes the following cartographic models free of charge:
- General map 1:1 000 000
- Cartographic Model 1:500 000
- Cartographic Model 1:250 000
- Cartographic Model 1:50 000

Geographic Names and Terrain Model
The AMap mobile provides the database of Geographic Names to search for settlements and geographic objects.
The height of the position is given in two different reference systems (GPS, metres above the Adriatic Sea).

- Search by name or coordinates
- Metadata about the map sheets
- GPS functions: position indicator, moving map
- Compass support
- Marking, editing and posting of POI (points of interest), import as .GPX or .LOC
- Recording, editing, sending and importing of tracks (.GPX, .KMZ/KML)
- Routing along a track via voice navigation
- Measuring distances and areas
- Objects from the Digital Landscape Model (DLM) such as shelters
Downloading the App
The Austrian Map mobile is available free of charge at Apple`s App Store and at Google`s Play Store.
Downloading the map data
You have to be online to download the map data.
- Free of charge download of one map sheet (approx. 550 kmĀ²) for testing all functions
- Downloading the map data as required (manually, surrounding square, by areas)
- It is possible to use the App offline: all map data and the Terrain Model are stored on the device and can thus be used in areas without mobile communications network
Technical specifications
- iOS from version 11.4
- from Android 6.0
- Compass / GPS functionality
For the data you need sufficient storage space. The total data volume (all maps of the whole of Austria including the data of the Terrain Model) amounts to approx. 4 GB for iOS and for Android approx. 4.3 GB.
All maps within the Austrian Map mobile app are free of charge.
General Terms and Conditions
The Standard Charges and Licensing Conditions as well as the General Terms and Conditions of the BEV shall apply in the latest version.
The Austrian Map mobile was configured by Andreas Garzotto GmbH. The copyright and the use of the program code are subject to the developer`s regulations.
The app "AMap mobile" can only be obtained at the respective stores. Orders in the app "AMap mobile" (i.e. orders of packages of tiles or of areas) are handled by the respective stores not by the BEV. The BEV has no influence whatsoever upon the ordering process or the business relations between the user and the store operator.
The Austrian Map mobile was developed with kind support of Swisstopo.
Apple, iPhone, iPad and App Store are trademarks of Apple Inc.
Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.