Austrian Positioning Service (APOS)
table of contents

APOS - Products
APOS Postprocessing (APOS-PP) At the APOS Service Centre original data from all Austrian reference stations are stored for post processing applications in RINEX format.
The data are available as follows:
APOS-PP-RS1 | Interval | 1 Second |
APOS-PP-RS5 | Interval | 5 Seconds |
APOS-PP-RS15 | Interval | 15 Seconds |
APOS-PP-RS30 | Interval | 30 Seconds |
The data will be available for 60 days after recording. After that you can just order APOS-PP-RS30 as a 24 hour file.
APOS Real Time (APOS-RTK, APOS-DGPS) APOS Real Time makes it possible to use either the concept "Virtual Reference Station - VRS" or the "Master-Auxiliary-Concept - MAC" for real time positioning. The distance-dependant influences are centrally captured and processed, so that we can guarantee nationwide homogeneous accuracy. The data are delivered exclusively via mobile internet by packet switching applying the Ntrip protocol.
APOS Real Time is offered in two accuracy classes:
- APOS-RTK: with centimetre-level accuracy for high-precision applications with dualfrequency phase measurement units. The use of mobile internet by means of the GIS grid facilitates Austria wide uniform transformations into the Austrian national geodetic reference system MGI (for GIS applications).
- APOS-DGPS: with a sub metre accuracy for GIS and navigation applications using phase smoothing code measuring instruments.
APOS Raw Data (APOS-RAW) APOS RAW Data are measurement raw data from the Austrian APOS GNSS reference stations of the BEV. The data are provided in second interval in the format RTCM via the central APOS NTRIP-Caster. The raw data consist of the metadata of the stations as well as the code and phase observations of the Multi-GNSS receivers on site.
As a prerequisite for the data connection customers need a permanent internet access and the NTRIPClient software. To set up a safe communication between the customer client and the APOS NTRIP Caster it is necessary to announce a fixed IP4 address for the activation.

APOS Post Processing (APOS-PP) You have two possibilities to buy RINEX data: Either you send the signed order form to our Costumer Service or via internet quickly and easily. At the BEV Shop APOS you can order and download all post processing data from all Austrian reference stations online. Just visit us at and register.
APOS Real Time (APOS-RTK, APOS-DGPS) Under you will get further information as well as the order form for the APOS Real Time registration. Please chose the products and tariff models best suited for your purposes and send the signed order form to our Costumer Service. After the activation of your accesses you will receive the login data.
The following technical prerequisites are necessary to be able to use all the advantages of APOS Real Time optimally:
- VRS or MAC compatible GNSS receiver with mobile internet module (as of 2G)
- RTCM 2.3, RTCM 3.1, RTCM 3.2
- Mobile internet network capacity of the provider (as of 2G)
- Implementation of the NTRIP client programs (a function that is included in all up-to-date devices respectively
- upgradeable)
- Access after registration at the Customer Service by means of an individual account
- In case your device can not process the GIS grid provided by the BEV via RTCM 3, please contact your device manufacturer.
Standard Charges
APOS Postprocessing (APOS-PP) | Price in € per minute |
APOS-PP-RS1 data rate 1 second | 0,10 |
APOS-PP-RS5 data rate 5 seconds | 0,05 |
APOS-PP-RS15 data rate 15 seconds | 0,05 |
APOS-PP-RS30 data rate 30 seconds | 0,05 |
APOS Real Time (APOS-RTK, APOS-DGPS) | Price in € |
APOS Real Time - installation fee | 50,00 |
APOS-RTK (cm-accuracy) | |
Flat rate per second | 0,0015 |
Flat rate per day | 20,00 |
Flat rate per month | 200,00 |
APOS-DGPS (dm-accuracy) | |
Flat rate per second | 0,00015 |
Flat rate per day | 2,00 |
Flat rate per month | 20,00 |
APOS Raw Data (APOS-RAW) | Price in € (annual fee) |
Austria, entire national area | 50 000,00 |
The standard charges of the BEV include just the service costs. The connection charges are not included as they are based on the data transfer charges of the respective provider and thus are invoiced separately by the provider.
When do you receive the APOS Real Time invoice?
- The installation fees will be charged at the first invoice once and per NTRIP access.
- The different flat rates are charged per month. Accounting period is the calendar month.
How do you receive the APOS Real Time invoice?
The respective flat rate chosen by you is charged per commenced unit. If you do not use APOS during one calendar month you do not have to pay for the service.
- The flat rate per month is charged only if there was really at least one log-in during the calendar month.
- The flat rate per day is charged for each calendar day when APOS was used.
- The flat rate per second is charged accurately for the respective login time per second per calendar month.
The flat rate is based on the login time of the rover; it begins with the dial-in and ends with the exit even if no data were processed on the rover side.
If you change or cancel a tariff model (flat rate) this will become operative with the first day of the following month.
Information as of February 2020
The standard charges are subject to change without prior notice.
General Terms and Conditions
The terms of delivery and payment as well as the copyright notice are set out in the current Terms and Licensing Conditions of the BEV.
Standard Charges and Licensing Conditions
The prices and licensing conditions for the products of the BEV are regulated in the "Standard Charges and Licensing Conditions of the BEV" as applicable from time to time. The current version was published in the Amtsblatt für das Vermessungswesen (official journal for surveying) and can be found on

The APOS productive system is the guarantee for the high level of quality. It consists of the processing center and the network of reference stations. The reference stations are situated within a distance of 50 - 70 km from each other, covering all of Austria and the border regions of the neighboring countries. The stations process Multi-GNSS signals (GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO). The calculation of time series based on daily generated 24 hour files serves to verify the stability of the APOS reference stations. There are also special monitoring stations all over Austria to control the operation and performance of APOS Real Time.
GIS-Grid: Based on a close meshed, interpolated grid (30" x 45" mesh width) that describes the deviation between ETRS89 and the Austrian system MGI for all of Austria it is possible to make a uniform online transformation between the two systems with a dm-accuracy starting with RTCM 3.1 in real time. The GIS grid was derived from about 28.000 identical points of the national network of control points 1st to 5th order.
3D Interpolation: Before the correction data is sent out a specially implemented module at the APOS-Center is used to prepare the data to avoid problematic meteorological influences. Thus the accuracy of the height determination for the GNSS rover is improved. Among the problematic meteorological influences in alpine regions, in case of big height differences between rover and APOS reference stations, there are mainly the different relative humidity relations. The humidity is a bigger problem in summer and may cause divergences of several dm. The 3D Interpolation is currently only available via Mountpoint APOS_VRS32_MSM_3D (see table right) and is activated for all of Austria.

Please visit our website, under the menu point APOS-Betriebsstatus you will find up-to-date information and status reports about the availability of APOS and possible system malfunctions of APOS Real Time und APOS Post Processing.