Girls Day: Physics to Touch 8.5.2023 - There are not enough women working in the fields of technics and physics. But right there they can earn much more than in traditional jobs. The BEV - Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen wants to increase the percentage of women in these fields and starts already with the girls at school. The Girls' Day 2023 was one of these opportunities.

The President of the BEV, Hoffmann, the General Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy, Mag. Eva Landrichtinger, and the Vice-president of the BEV and Head of the Division Metrology, Mag. Robert Edelmaier, invited to the Girls' Day 2023 at the Division Metrology at the Arltgasse in Vienna.

Applied Physics to Touch

Girls between the age of 13 and 16 could gain some insight into applied physics and the tasks of the Division Metrology. The program consisted of an active part with different experiments (control the fill line of tea mugs, determine the pH-value, measuring length and volume) as well as a tour of the laboratories concerned with temperature, electricity, acoustics (sound) and cinematics in traffic (speed measurements).

How Much Can the Ears Stand?

At the acoustics laboratory it was possible to measure for example if the preferred music volume is okay for the ears and which tone levels can still be perceived. Cheered by their colleagues the girls tried to beat the present running record of nearly 30 km/h and to be caught in a radar control such as by the police.

Breathtaking Light Bow

At the high voltage laboratory a 10 cm electric bow was created live to increase awareness for the dangers of high voltage. Another highlight was a quiz with a subsequent price-giving ceremony. The girls were absolutely thrilled about the program and showed a lot of interest. Who knows maybe one day we will welcome some of them as our colleagues.