Österreichischer Verwaltungspreis 2023 for the Katasterservice of the BEV 1.6.2023 - In 2022 the BEV - Federal Office of Metrologie and Surveying introduced the much-noticed Katasterservice. The possibilities were enlarged, the charges cancelled. For this service the BEV has now received the Österreichischen Verwaltungspreis 2023 in the category “Innovatives Servicedesign, digitale Services“.
The Katasterservice makes it possible to get up-to-date information about approximately 10,2 million parcels in Austria by pressing just one button. The most important part of this online service is the search function. There it is possible to search by address, political community, cadastral community or parcel number. Parcel boundaries, boundary points, area, address and additional information about the land use are available. In addition to the graphics we provide the aerial image – which is now also available free of charge. The aerial image gives a better overview of the parcel. Via an API interface the web service can be integrated into other systems, a service that is an additional benefit for administrative bodies and entrepreneurs. Especially in times of high inflation it is important to reduce the financial burden for the citizens as well as for the economy, if possible to reduce or cancel fees.
Cadastre as an Important Instrument to Secure Property
The BEV is a subordinate body of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. One of the tasks is the provision of the Cadastre. The Austrian Cadastre is a public register and documents the up-to-date and actual situation of the parcels as well as the boundaries, position, size and land use.
Katasterservice online: https://kataster.bev.gv.at
Video about kataster.bev.gv.at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCWAkMaVcy4